Basic Sheds
Basic Shed Prices
10 x 14 = 4070
10 x 16 = 4250
10 x 18 = 5770
10 x 20 = 5020
10 x 24 = 5560
10 x 28 = 6880
12 x 12 = 4320
12 x 16 = 4630
12 x 20 = 5730
12 x 24 = 6475
12 x 28 = 8040
12 x 32 = 10350
14 x 20 = 7550
14 x 24 = 8670
14 x 28 = 10820
14 x 32 = 14080
16x20 = 8820
16x24 = 9980
16x32 = 15150
These prices may be inaccurate, please contact Martin at 780-835-0772 to confirm.

Our basic sheds range in size from 10x10 to 16x32
There are 2 - 6x6 skids on the 10 & 12 wides, and 4 on the 14 & 16 wides
all floors are 2x6 on 16" centers, with 23/32 Fir T&G floor sheathing
walls are always built with 2x4 studs on 16" centers and sheathed with 7/16 osb
10 & 12 wides have rafters on 16" centers, with a ridge beam and collar-ties. (Approved by building code)
14 wides, and 12x28 and 12x32 have engineered trusses on 2' centers
6" eaves all around which means that all 12 & 14 wides have to be escorted by pilot car.
7/16 osb on roof with Coloured Metal, your choice of colours
Two 36" barn style doors sheathed inside and out for durability and strength. (will not warp)
Your choice of upgrades....
extra layer of fir floor sheathing ---------------------------------------------$2.50 sq ft
1/2" standard plywood on exterior walls
2x6 wall framing
extra floor joists
metal exterior man door with knob and deadbolt ----$700
garage door (8x7) --------------------------------------------$1500
garage door (8x8) --------------------------------------------$1750
windows (up to 36"x36" slider) ----------------------------$300
vinyl exterior (standard colors) ----------------------------$40/ lin ft of wall
(premium colors) --------------------------$50 / lin ft of wall
basic electrical (1 plug, 2 lights, 1 switch) -------------$300
Premium Electrical (Small Breaker Panel wired in)---$800