Mini-shop Prices
10 x 10 = 4950
10 x 12 = 5290
10 x 14 = 5650
10 x 16 = 5850
10 x 18 = 6400
10 x 20 = 6750
10 x 24 = 7550
10 x 28 = 9180
12 x 12 = 5230
12 x 16 = 6420
12 x 20 = 8080
12 x 24 = 8850
12 x 28 = 11350
12 x 32 = 12720
14 x 20 = 10300
14 x 24 = 10650
14 x 28 = 14720
14 x 32 = 16600
16x20 = 10660
16x24 = 11850
16x32 = 17970
These prices may be inaccurate, please contact Martin at 780-835-0772 to confirm

Mini-Shops have the exact same specs as the basic shed except that there are no eaves and that the exterior is all finished with metal.
Your choice of upgrades....
extra layer of fir floor sheathing ----------------- $2.50 / sq ft
2x6 wall framing
extra floor joists
metal exterior man door ---------------------------- $700
garage door (8x7) ------------------------------------ $1500
garage door (8x8) ------------------------------------$1750
windows (up to 36"x36") ---------------------------- $300
basic electrical ( 1 plug, 2 lights, 1 switch ) --- $300
Premium Electrical (Small Breaker Panel installed) $800